Free Classes

Free Classes

These classes are adaptable for beginners and beyond. You'll begin to understand how we're building strength and flexibility in our spine in every movement. Pain relief for hips & shoulders, back and neck are always included. Learn to integrate your breath in your practice to support the spine and improve posture.
These classes aren't as thorough as a full class, but that means they're great bite sized options for anyone. It helps ease in slowly, with so much to concentrate on it's really important to keep it manageable in the early stages of a practice, Props are your choice, generally a couple of towels will be enough, maybe a couple of pillows, and sometimes a belt or some type of strap.

Free Classes
  • Beginners Sequence 1

    A great intro into some key movements in our yoga practice, working into the whole body. Build strength & flexibility in the spine, relieve pain & tension in the hips & shoulders. Learn to integrate your breath in your practice and to support the spine and improve posture.

  • Beginners Sequence 2

    A great intro into some key movements in our yoga practice, working into the whole body. Build strength & flexibility in the spine, relieve pain & tension in the hips & shoulders. Learn to integrate your breath in your practice and to support the spine and improve posture.

  • Beginners Sequence 3

    A great intro into some key movements in our yoga practice, working into the whole body. Build strength & flexibility in the spine, relieve pain & tension in the hips & shoulders. Learn to integrate your breath in your practice and to support the spine and improve posture.
    Optional props: A bolst...

  • Beginners Sequence 4

    This low lunge sequence includes a whole lot of variation to work the whole body, then reset the hips with reclined figure 4, then another whole body movement with our wide leg forward fold with an arm/shoulder variation.
    You'll only need a strap for a prop, it can be a belt or a hand towel.

  • Beginners Sequence 5

    A short focus on our Warrior movement variations, along with other movements to ensure we're working through the whole body.
    Props: You may need a couple of towels

  • Headstand Fail

    If you want to attempt headstands this is a must watch.

  • Beginners Sequence 6

    For a beginner's sequence this one is actually quite challenging. In particular the Triangle/Pyramid Sequence. I highly recommend watching the Triangle/Pyramid workshop so you can learn how to make it work for you and then use this short class to practice. The other movements then offer further s...