Tips & Techniques

Tips & Techniques

These are nice short videos that help out with some really common areas of tension or easy mistakes that can be made when practicing. Because you'll likely want to give it a go while you're watching a workshop I recommend watching one after doing a class, if you're limited on time, pick a short class to warm you up, the last thing you want to do is hurt yourself while doing a workshop.

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Tips & Techniques
  • Extra Tips For Total Newbies

    Practicing this type of yoga can be challenging, both physically and mentally. We underestimate just how much we have ingrained ideas of how fast we should progress, and what that progress feels like. Our goal here is to make long lasting changes, the change sneaks up on you over time, until yo...

  • Breath Awareness

    Many of us lead such busy stressful lives we have lost the ability to breath properly and we don't even know it. The principles introduced in Yoga Time Warrior will help you to understand the importance of restoring our natural breath patterns. This breath awareness session follows a traditiona...

  • Seated Breathwork

    Once you are practiced at obtaining your neutral spinal positioning you'll be able to do this while watching TV or even sitting at your desk at the office. It's similar to the spinal alignment video, so between the two you should find you'll become really comfortable working to improve your post...

  • Workshop - Spinal Alignment

    We use chest to abdomen breathing to establish the foundations of movement in our spine. We use this through every aspect of our Yoga Time Warrior practice, so it's super important to really master this.

  • Workshop - Posture Type Identification

    Once you've assessed your posture you can then focus on what corrections you need to make in your yoga practice to improve your spinal alignment, in turn relieving any back pain you may suffer.

  • Workshop - Lower Abdominal Contraction

    Every single breath we take in our movements we are supposed to contract our lower abdominals, this workshop explains this a little bit more, so you really understand what this means.

  • Workshop - Forward Folds

    This short workshop will help you understand what you should be focusing on when completing forward fold movements. There are many, including wide leg forward folds, and other variations that might combine twisting such as revolved triangle. The same principles apply to them all.

  • Workshop - Malasana

    Malasana is amazing for the whole body, for some it's more of a challenge, but as always there are ways to modify.

  • Workshop - Back Bends

    It's really important that we understand that we are strengthening our back in these postures. Arching too deeply can do real damage.

  • Workshop - Twists

    With twists it's super important to lengthen the spine to separate the vertebrae to prepare for the twist, getting them right can feel so amazing!

  • Workshop - Lateral

    Learn what muscles are contract, what are stabilizing, what are stretching and what personal considerations need to be made.

  • Knee Alignment

    Whether we have existing issues with our knees or not we all need to practice in a way that protects our knees from injury. This short workshop provides a few tips on how to do that.

  • Neck Alignment

    So many of us suffer back pain, whether that be in the neck, upper back, shoulders or lower back. This short workshop shows you how to look after your neck while you practice and also touches on some common areas of poor technique.

  • Pelvis Alignment

    Our pelvis isn't designed to be twisted, we need to understand how it should be positioned to protect it.

  • Workshop - Warrior

    With so many different types of Warrior positions it can get a little confusing, there are some foundations to the posture that transfer through all of them. The workshop will help you learn to work deeper in your own time.

  • Workshop - Plank

    Cover the different variations of plank used in each level of our Yoga Time Warrior practice. This posture is immensely strengthening and mastering it can feel like such a turning point in a health and wellness journey.

  • Workshop - Cobra & Updog

    The postures are great back strengthening postures, but misunderstanding how they are to function can actually cause or make back pain significantly worse. Learn how to do them the right way.

  • Workshop - Inhale Exhale

    You've probably got a good understanding now of how we support out spine with our inhales and exhales, but this will give you a better understanding of the categories of movements in relation, if you get lost with your breath you should be able to find your way again easily.

  • Workshop - Inversions

    This inversion workshop should be done before you move on to the full range of level 3 classes. Inversions come with a high risk of injury so this will help you understand how to work your way into them safely.

  • Workshop - Shoulderstand

    Shoulderstand feels amazing when you finally make it to the full posture. It can be a long road to get there though. Take your time and make sure you're not pushing your body too far, you should feel your body open up each time you practice it, little bit by little bit.

  • Workshop - Plough

    Plough is amazing for opening the back side of the body but it's not immediately accessible to everyone. There are some variations here that will allow you to find your way to success with this posture.

  • Headstand Fail

    If you want to attempt headstands this is a must watch.

  • Workshop - Triangle\Pyramid

    I include some of these movements in both sun salutations in the full classes and also in Beginners Sequence 6, one of the free beginner's classes, so this is a great accompaniment to the Yoga Time Warrior practice. I recommend watching the workshop after attempting one of those classes at least ...

  • Hip Mobility - Seated head to knee

    Seated head to knee is supposed to be a more accessible version of a forward fold, but not always, here's some tips for how to make it comfortable.